Has your skin started to sag in a way that ages you? Do you see more wrinkles than you’d like in the mirror? If this sounds like you, it may be time to consider a mini facelift to reverse the signs of aging.

A mini facelift is a cosmetic surgery that takes care of wrinkles and sagging skin on the lower part of the face. This kind of facelift removes excess tissue around the chin and tightens the remaining tissue.

There are several emotional and physical benefits that a mini facelift offers such as minimal scarring. Since it is a smaller surgery, it is less invasive than a traditional facelift. This allows you to recover and enjoy the results faster. Also, a mini facelift complements a person’s natural features and can make a huge difference in a person’s quality of life. Most importantly, this cosmetic procedure can be done in a few hours.

What makes this cosmetic procedure attractive to many is that provides results that are natural looking. A mini facelift can also clearly define a person’s face and provide a more youthful look. A mini facelift minimizes drooping or sagging in the lower portion of the face, reducing the signs of aging.

Those who make a good candidate for a mini lift are people with minor sagging skin and wrinkles. Of course, good health is important for this procedure. Keep in mind, this procedure is less invasive than a facelift but it is still surgery.

For those who have high blood pressure or diabetes, our doctor may want you to postpone the surgery until these issues are under control. Smoking should be curtailed several weeks before surgery and certain medications and supplements may need to be avoided. Most importantly, one should also have realistic expectations for this cosmetic surgery. There are several differences of a mini facelift compared to a full facelift.

A mini facelift is a cosmetic surgery that takes care of wrinkles and sagging skin on the lower third of the face. At Smith Facial Plastics, we aim to help you look and feel like the best version of yourself. Contact us today to speak with a member of our talented staff and find out if this cosmetic surgery is for you! Schedule your consultation today.