Category Archives: Blog

Common Questions About Rhinoplasty – Blog

If you’re thinking about any type of plastic surgery procedure, odds are that you have a number of questions. In the case of most procedures, the more you know about what happens during surgery and what to expect afterwards, the better off you will be.

One surgery that people tend to have a number of questions about is rhinoplasty. No » Continue Reading.

Botox vs. a Brow Lift

Getting older can mean that your eyebrows start to droop, lines start to form across your forehead and your eyes start to develop a more hooded look. The changes that occur in the area around your brows and forehead can make you not only look older, but also tired and angry.

For years, the best way to rejuvenate the upper » Continue Reading.

Nasal Surgery and Insurance – Blog

Some things might be as plain as the nose on your face, like the fact that your sinuses cause you a considerable amount of discomfort or the fact that a crooked septum has long made breathing difficult. Many patients would do anything to correct their nasal issues, but the cost of nasal surgery might be prohibitive.

While it’s true that » Continue Reading.

FAQs About Brow Lifts

People age in different ways. Depending on your genes, facial movements and lifestyle habits, you might begin to show signs of aging in the forehead or eyebrow area before you start to age in the lower portion of your face. Just as people age in different ways, different surgeries are designed to focus on different areas. While the term “facelift” » Continue Reading.

Common Myths About Facelifts – Blog

Today’s plastic surgery patients have more options than before. You can choose between injections, laser treatments or traditional surgery. When it comes to surgery, you have the option of traditional, invasive procedures or less invasive surgeries with shorter downtimes. The number of options available has perhaps led to some misconceptions, myths and confusion about certain surgeries. One procedure that suffers » Continue Reading.

How Can Rhinoplasty Help You?

If you’ve been unhappy with the way your nose looks, you might want to consider rhinoplasty.

Although superficially the main benefit of rhinoplasty is to correct a physical issue with your nose, the surgery has a wide range of benefits. Nose reshaping surgery can improve not only the way your nose looks, but also the way it functions. It can also » Continue Reading.

How to Choose Between Injections and Surgery

When you visit a facial plastic surgeon these days, you might not actually be seeing him for a surgical procedure. While plenty of patients have procedures such as rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery or facelifts performed every year, non-surgical options, particularly injections such as Botox or dermal fillers have increased in popularity.

If you are concerned about wrinkles or other signs of » Continue Reading.

Taking Care of Your Facelift

While a facelift can take a few years off of your looks, it won’t magically keep those years from returning.

Making the most of your facelift and getting results that last five or 10 years, or even longer, means remembering to shield yourself from external factors that contribute to aging. In some cases, it also means embracing non-surgical options, which can » Continue Reading.

Vitamins to Help Fight Aging

When you were a kid, your parents probably had you take a multivitamin to help you grow. Now that you’re an adult, you might not be so concerned about developing strong bones or about gaining in size. But, vitamins will play a big role in your life and in your diet. A number of vitamins play an important role in » Continue Reading.

Volume: The Paradigm Shift

The age old targets of facial plastic surgery have been dropping tissues. Therefore, the answer had always been reductive surgery (removing tissue). While these surgical techniques remain useful in our facial rejuvenation strategies, volumetric changes were initially neglected. Fortunately, that has changed in the modern practice of facial plastic surgery.

If we look at our children, their faces are » Continue Reading.

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