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Addressing Crow’s Feet with BOTOX

As a person gets older, they are going to notice that their skin is not as smooth as it used to be. They will see fine lines, wrinkles, and eventually deep folds that cause their skin to look older. One of the biggest complaints that people have is that they are experiencing crow’s feet. You may be experiencing these as well. If so, BOTOX® may be able to help you.

So, what are crow’s feet? They are the lines that you see at the outer corners of your eyes. These happen because the muscles around your eyes contract, which causes the skin on top of them to form creases and lines.

When young individuals smile, they may also experience these creases around the outer corners of their eyes. However, because they are young and the condition of their skin is so healthy, their skin just bounces back to normal as soon as they are finished smiling or squinting. As you get older and you make these expressions thousands of times throughout your lifetime and as your skin changes as you get older, these creases become more apparent.

BOTOX® is one of the best ways that you can address crow’s feet. First, the procedure is extremely simple. You need to come in for an initial consultation. This consultation will allow us to ask you questions about your health and about your goals. Once it is determined that BOTOX® is the best option for addressing your crow’s feet, a treatment session can be planned.

During the actual treatment session, the BOTOX® solution will be skillfully injected into preselected areas. In the days after your treatment, you are going to see that the skin around your outer eyes is much more relaxed. As such, you are going to look a lot younger. You can still make normal facial expressions; you just won’t have the same amount of wrinkling as before.

If you have crow’s feet or other dynamic wrinkles, BOTOX® is a great treatment option to help you look younger. Make an appointment at  to learn more about this simple and effective treatment. Our office is located in . Contact us today to schedule a consultation for BOTOX®!

Rhinoplasty for a Large Nose

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures performed today. In fact, when you talk to people about cosmetic surgery, one of the first things that they will mention to you is rhinoplasty, or a nose job. Why do people want rhinoplasty? In the vast majority of cases, it is because they feel that their nose is too large for their face. They may love how their nose is shaped, but they just want that shape scaled down a little bit.

If this sounds like your situation, rhinoplasty can help. When you are considering rhinoplasty, it is good for you to jot down on a piece of paper the things that you don’t like about your nose. Write what you don’t like about your nose being big, maybe how it sits in proportion to the rest of your face. After you write down the issues that you have with your nose, rate them on a scale based on how important they are to you.

When you visit our plastic surgeon, he will discuss these issues with you, and he may also ask you questions about difficulties with breathing. This will help to give him a better idea of how exactly he can fix your nose in a way that truly satisfies you. During your consultation with our surgeon, he can also give you a good idea of what your new nose is going to look like on your face.

Reshaping a large nose with rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that requires a recovery. However, when your nose is reshaped to fit the rest of your face, it can have a huge impact on the way that you look and feel. This is because your nose is the center of your face. It is one of the first things that people notice when they look at you. And it’s one of the first things you see when you look at yourself in the mirror. If your nose is too big, it throws the rest of your face out of balance.

We invite you to make an appointment at  in to get all the facts about rhinoplasty. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Smith!

How Do Cheek Implants Work?

When cheek implants were first introduced to society, they were used as a way to reconstruct the face of an individual who because of a birth defect or because of an accident was deformed. They were a very effective tool in this regard. Nowadays, in addition to being used to help restore the appearance of a person who has experienced a facial trauma, they are also used to enhance the aesthetics of a person’s face. They are used to help a person who has weak cheeks to get the facial symmetry needed in order to have a pleasing appearance.

During the initial consultation phase for a cheek augmentation procedure, our doctor is going to sit down with you and discuss what makes you want to have cheek implants in the first place. He will look at your face and will let you know what he can realistically do with the technology that is currently available and the structure of your face.

It is important to understand that your cheeks are designed to provide a level of symmetry to your face. Just because high cheekbones or very structured cheekbones work on a particular individual’s face, this does not mean that it is going to work for you. The types of cheeks you should have and the results you will have after cheek implants are individual. As our doctor looks at you, he is going to examine your facial dimensions, as well as the natural shape of your face. This will help him determine where he will place the cheek implants.

The implant procedure is going to be performed under some form of sedation. This is an outpatient procedure that is performed in the comfort of our state-of-the-art surgical suite. Once the procedure is over, it is important to follow our team’s instructions regarding healing for optimal results. Once you have fully healed, you will be able to enjoy the results of your procedure for years to come.

To get all the details about how cheek implants work, as well as how they can work for you specifically, make an appointment with Dr. Smith at  in . Contact our office today to schedule a consultation and get started!

Rejuvenate Your Eyes with Eyelid Surgery

What are your eyes telling other people about you? It is interesting how our eyes can express our emotions to others. Even when we are trying to hide a certain emotion, sometimes our eyes just will not lie. However, they can also tell others something that is not true about us. For example, consider someone with sagging, tired-looking eyes. Even though they may be older, this does not necessarily mean that they feel tired or worn out. However, because of sagging skin around their eyes, that’s exactly the impression they give others. If your eyes are giving others the wrong impression of you, you may be able to benefit from eyelid surgery.

In some cases, simply getting a little bit more rest and learning to deal with stress is all that is needed to help your eyes look better. However, some people need to take more drastic steps in order to improve the appearance of their eyes. In this case, eyelid surgery may be appropriate. This procedure is one of the best ways to rejuvenate your eyes.

The first thing that you should know about eyelid surgery is that it is something that can be done on both the upper and the lower eyelids. It is used to address sagging skin, fat and unwanted tissue that has accumulated around your eyes. This is a safe procedure that has been performed thousands of times. This will give you confidence knowing that since others have had it performed and have enjoyed great results, you likely will as well.

The exact procedure involved in eyelid surgery varies from patient to patient depending on their needs. If you are only dealing with bags under your eyes, for example, you may only need the procedure on your lower eyelids. If your upper eyelids are drooping to the point that they interfere with your vision, however, upper eyelid surgery may be more appropriate. Others may prefer a combination approach. During your consultation with us, we will let you know about your options and tailor the procedure exactly to your goals and needs.

The best way for you to learn more about how you can rejuvenate your eyes with eyelid surgery is to schedule a consultation with us at . During this consultation, you will meet with our plastic surgeon, who has performed this surgery many times. We will help you determine your candidacy for the treatment and if it is right for you. This is the first step you need to take in order to enjoy a refreshed and rejuvenated look. Contact us at our office in today to schedule your first appointment and learn more.

Looking Younger with Lip Augmentation

Have you ever heard someone say, “I just cannot wait to look old?” Probably not. You’ve probably heard some people say that they look forward to getting older, and that’s usually when they are either a child or in their early teens. But once a person hits their mid-20’s or early 30’s, they usually prefer to keep looking that way. The way that aging affects your appearance is complicated. There are so many factors at play that make the aging process evident on the face. One area of your face that shows your age more than any other is your lips. Fortunately, lip augmentation can bring fullness and youth to your lips and, by extension, the rest of your face.

If you look at a picture of yourself when you were younger and then look at yourself now, what do you notice about your lips? They are most likely a lot thinner than they were before. Have you ever wondered why this is? The answer may surprise you. The older you get, the less your body produces an important protein known as collagen. Collagen is connected to everything that makes you look younger. It is what gives your face its full appearance, makes your skin look healthy, and keeps your skin looking plump. Collagen’s purpose in your body is to provide support to the soft tissues that you have. As we age, we also produce less of a substance known as hyaluronic acid, which helps keep your skin hydrated, smooth and full.

Every day we are exposed to ultraviolet rays. These also work against your lips. They cause the collagen in them to break down, making them look thin sooner. This underscores the importance of taking steps to protect your lips from the sun by using lipstick or a lip balm.

But what if age has already taken its effect? Your lips have lost their volume, and now they look thin. Is there anything you can do? Absolutely! Dermal fillers have revolutionized the way that people look at the thickness of their lips. Hyaluronic acid injections can add volume to your lips that will last for many months.

When hyaluronic acid injections are used by a trained medical professional, they can restore the fullness to your lips without giving you a worked-on or fish lip appearance. In fact, fillers such as Restylane® and Juvederm® are famous for providing beautifully natural-looking results.

There are so many benefits to using hyaluronic acid-based injections to improve the volume of your lips. One benefit is that the treatment can be performed in a matter of minutes, and the results are immediate. As soon as you walk out of our office, you will have fuller lips.

Lip augmentation can also come in the form of a fat transfer. A fat transfer consists of taking fat from a donor area on the body and replacing it in another area such as the lips. This method also comes with many benefits, including the fact that since this lip augmentation procedure uses nothing more than your own fat to enhance another area, the risk of having an adverse reaction is almost impossible.

Whether you have always had thin lips or your lips have lost volume over time, lip augmentation may be the answer for you. Ask Dr. Smith about this treatment at  to find out if it is right for you. Contact our office in today to schedule an appointment and learn more.

BOTOX for Non-Surgical Wrinkle Reduction

For many people, surgery is not their first choice when it comes to looking younger. They may not want or are not able to undergo a surgical procedure. This does not mean that a person simply has to deal with their dynamic wrinkles. If you want to reduce wrinkles such as crow’s feet, forehead lines and frown lines, BOTOX® may be the solution.

While you may have heard the about BOTOX® again and again online, on TV and among your friends, you may not be familiar with how it works. When injected, this treatment relaxes the facial muscles responsible for forming the dynamic wrinkles on your face. Dynamic wrinkles are different from static wrinkles. They are formed as a result of repeated facial expressions over time, whereas static wrinkles show up as part of the aging process no matter how many facial expressions you do or don’t make. By relaxing these muscles with your treatment, these wrinkles eventually smooth out.

After receiving BOTOX® injections, the treated muscles will not contract with the same intensity as they did before. You will still be able to make all the expressions you did before receiving treatment; they just won’t result in noticeable wrinkles.

One example of dynamic wrinkles is crow’s feet. Crow’s feet are the lines that you see at the outer corners of your eyes. When you were younger, you could get crow’s feet whenever you smiled or squinted. However, they were not a permanent feature of your face. After so many years have gone by and you have squinted and smiled thousands and thousands of times, these lines have become etched around the corners of your eyes. This is where BOTOX® can help. It relaxes those muscles to leave your skin looking smooth and soft.

One reason why people love BOTOX® so much is because the results that it produces are subtle. You are left with a very refreshed and youthful appearance, but it won’t be obvious to others that you underwent any kind of cosmetic procedure. Instead, you will just look like a younger version of yourself. The treatment simply softens the facial muscles, which, in turn, softens the skin.

If you are ready to learn more about how you can smooth out dynamic wrinkles with BOTOX®, schedule a consultation with Dr. Smith at . We would be happy to explain more in detail how this unique treatment can help you get rid of your dynamic wrinkles. Contact our office in to schedule your consultation!

What is the Purpose of Chin Implants?

It is very common to hear people describe others as either having a strong chin or a weak chin. If you have a strong chin, this means that your chin is defined and is prominent. Individuals who have a weak chin almost look as if they have no chin at all. This can be problematic because when a person does not have a well-defined chin, the rest of their face looks unbalanced. Chin augmentation via chin implants is a popular solution to address this issue. Both men and women have chin augmentation procedures performed.

Understanding the Benefits of Chin Implants

When a person has a chin augmentation procedure performed, their chin will be in proportion to the rest of their facial features. If you look at a person who has a weak chin, their neck looks full or fleshy.

Since your chin is designed to offset the appearance of your nose, if a person has a weak chin, then their nose might seem like it is unusually large. Chin implants can bring the nose back into balance with the rest of the facial structure.

Are You a Good Candidate for a Chin Implant?

You may be a good candidate for chin augmentation if you have an aesthetic defect that would benefit from you having a more prominent chin. Some of these defects would include a pointed chin, a square chin, a fleshy neck, a recessed chin or a prominent nose.

You should also have a realistic expectation about what the procedure can do for you. A chin implant will improve the appearance of your profile, but it will not change who you are. Nor should you expect a chin implant to change the way that other people treat you. If you walk into the procedure with unrealistic expectations, you will likely walk out feeling upset.

Chin implants serve a valuable purpose in that they restore balance to your face, they make your neck visible and they can improve your appearance, thereby improving your self-confidence. The best way to determine if chin augmentation is right for you is to sit down and talk with our surgeon at  in . He would be more than happy to evaluate your case. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our office!

Pin Back Protruding Ears with Otoplasty

Most people who have undergone otoplasty are extremely satisfied with their results. They have commented on how it has improved their self-esteem and how they have noticed that others treat them in a more positive way. Children who undergo the surgery do not experience the same level of ridicule or bullying when they are in school. However, before you use otoplasty for yourself or your child, take some time to learn about some of the basics regarding this procedure.

There are different types of otoplasty that can be performed. The most common form of this surgery is pinning back the ears. Many individuals are born with ears that are very prominent and stick out far. In most cases, this is not something that a person feels proud of. Instead, it causes them to feel bad about the way they look and may cause others to have a negative reaction to them.

In addition to being used to pin back the ears, otoplasty can also be used to make the outer ear larger or smaller. It can even be used to reshape portions of the outer ear. One example would be making the earlobes larger or smaller or removing bumps or other deformities. At times, individuals are born with defects that affect their ear or they may have damage done to their ear because of trauma. This could happen during an accident or even because of an ear piercing problem.

When otoplasty is used to pin back the ears, it is commonly done when a child is young. While this surgery can definitely be performed on children, it is never too late for an adult to improve their appearance by pinning back protruding ears. We warmly invite you to schedule a consultation with us. We can discuss your overall health and your age to be sure that you are a good candidate for the surgery.

It takes a little bit of time for you to recover from the surgery. However, once you have fully healed, you may be surprised at what a positive impact it has on your life. Most people report higher levels of self-confidence and a better quality of life overall.

Talk to Dr. Smith and his team at  about how otoplasty can benefit you. Our office is located in . Contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn more!

Cosmetic Benefits of a Facelift

The Internet is full of before and after photographs of individuals who have had a facelift performed. It is nice to look at these photographs because, in the vast majority of them, you can see a marked improvement in the appearance of the patient who had the facelift. When you look at someone who has undergone this procedure, you know that they look younger and better. However, it can be difficult to identify what exactly they had done or what it is about their face that has changed. That’s the beauty of this tried and true procedure.

A facelift is designed to enhance a person’s natural beauty and revive their youthful appearance. People who have had a good facelift generally love how the procedure allows their inner personality, which is often a lot younger than what their external appearance is, to shine through.

A facelift makes a patient look younger because it is designed to address specific problems that a person experiences with age. These problems include things like the loss of skin elasticity, lost muscle tone around the face and the neck, issues with the formation of jowls, and deep creases that can form on the corner of your mouth and the base of the nose. This procedure can also address the loss of contour around the chin and neck.

You have probably noticed a drastic difference in the way that a person looks when they had a facelift in recent years as opposed to someone who had undergone the procedure many years ago. This is because the techniques used for the procedure have changed drastically in just a few years. At the same time, the goals of a plastic surgeon when performing a facelift have also changed. Dr. Smith’s goal is to make a person look like a natural version of their younger self, not to make it look like they had work done. In fact, we are happiest when our patients come back and tell us that their friends and family members are complimenting them on their refreshed look but cannot tell that they actually had a surgical procedure done.

Some of the major changes that a facelift can accomplish include tightening your facial muscles. It is understandable that tightening the facial muscles will have a dramatic effect on your appearance since your muscles and underlying bone are what make up the structure of your face.

Once the underlying structure has been repaired, then loose and excess skin can be removed and tightened. Facial skin should never be over tightened. As a specialist in facial enhancement, Dr. Smith will know just how much he should tighten your skin without giving you a pulled appearance.

Finally, a facelift can restore some of the volume to your mid-face. You will be left with a more attractive jawline and an overall more naturally youthful appearance. At , our trusted and experienced plastic surgeon knows what it takes to make you naturally look your best. Contact our office in today to schedule your consultation.

Revitalize Your Skin With Our Exclusive Three-Month Skin Rejuvenation Program

What would you say if you were told you could have beautiful skin in just three months? Our skin rejuvenation program can help you to take your skin to a whole new level by giving you exactly what you need to look your best. Your skin takes a beating every day. Exposure to the elements and the harmful rays of the sun can have a damaging effect, especially concerning the skin on your face. The aging process can also take a toll, making your skin look dull. Over time, you will lose that healthy glow as your skin loses its elasticity. It can be very frustrating, especially when you take care of your skin. Consider our exclusive three-month skin rejuvenation program designed to give you positive results.

Transform Your Skin One Day at a Time

Your skin is the canvas that covers your body; it is the most extensive organ you have. You want to treat it well and spare it from damage from the environment. You can make healthy choices to help you reach this goal. Staying hydrated and avoiding unprotected exposure to the sun can do wonders. You may even find that certain foods help you have healthier skin. However, our three-month skin rejuvenation program has been carefully formulated to give your skin exactly what it needs. You can revitalize your appearance when you choose skin rejuvenation.

Take a Comprehensive Approach to Skin Care

When you are focusing on your skin with our three-month skin rejuvenation program, you need to take a step by step approach that covers all of the bases. You need a gentle cleanser that will not damage your skin. You need to exfoliate, which will clear away the dead skin cells that are taking away your rosy glow. You may need a moisturizer or a product that will help you with any oily skin. If you have acne, our program can help you effectively address the problem. Don’t forget the importance of wearing sunscreen every day. Consider products that will tighten your skin and give you a more youthful appearance. With consistent treatment for three months, our program can make an incredible difference in the condition of your skin. You will feel like you have taken a step back in time to a point in your life when your skin was positively glowing. Recapture the skin of your youth by using our skin rejuvenation program.

Learn More About Our Three-Month Skin Rejuvenation Program Today

If your skin needs help to be rejuvenated from the storms of life, contact us today to find out how our three-month skin rejuvenation program can help you. We will provide you with a personalized approach to help you pamper your skin. In just three months with our skin rejuvenation program, you can achieve the best skin you’ve had in years. With our specialized program tailored to your needs, you will be able to give your skin the treatment that will work best for you. Located in ,  dedicates every day to helping patients in the Columbus area achieve their aesthetic goals. Schedule your consultation with us today!

Smith Facial Plastics

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