Surgeon: Stephen Smith
Area: Ears
Procedure: Otoplasty
Individual results may vary.
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Provider: Dr. Scott Smith
Treated Area: Ears
Procedure: Otoplasty
Location: Walnut Creek Wellness Center
Note: Individual results may vary.
Smith Facial Plastics. This is an actual patient who has consented to the use of these photos. Please do not copy or distribute without permission.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact us and set up a consultation.
Surgeon: Dr. Scott
Treated Area: Ears
Procedure: Otoplasty (Ear Reshaping Surgery)
Results: This young patient was bothered by the prominence of her ears. She underwent a bilateral otoplasty in the office under local anesthesia and nitrous oxide. The frontal view demonstrates the improvement in the overall position of the ear relative to the head. She is extremely pleased with her results and was happy she decided to undergo the procedure.
Note: Individual results may vary. This is an actual patient who has consented to the use of these photos. Please do not copy or distribute without permission.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact us and set up a consultation.
Surgeon: Dr. Scott W. Smith
Treated Area: Ears
Procedure: Bilateral Otoplasty (ear reshaping)
Results: The frontal view demonstrates a significant improvement in the prominence of her ears and her facial framing. The oblique and lateral views demonstrate the establishment of the normal anatomic landmark aesthetic folds. All of her incisions are non-visible on the backside of the ear.
Note: Individual results may vary. This is an actual patient who has consented to the use of these photos. Please do not copy or distribute without permission.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact us and set up a consultation.
Surgeon: Dr. Scott
Treated Area: Ears
Procedure: Otoplasty (Ear Reshaping Surgery)
Results: The frontal view demonstrates the improvement in the overall prominence of the ears and improved symmetry.
Note: Individual results may vary. This is an actual patient who has consented to the use of these photos. Please do not copy or distribute without permission.
This 28-year-old female presented with concerns regarding the prominence of her ears, in particular her left ear. To address her concerns, we discussed an in-office otoplasty surgery. She elected to proceed with an in-office procedure under local anesthesia with oral sedation.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact us and set up a consultation.