
When is Earlobe Repair Necessary?

It is unknown the reason for earlobes, though many speculations exist. They are not made of the same materials as the upper ear. Some earlobes are attached while others are detached based on genetics. The problem with stretching, piercing, or tearing the earlobe is that it does not repair itself. It will stay stretched. To restore its normal shape earlobe repair surgery is necessary.

Some people have a reaction to the nickel in the earrings they wear. The body will respond with inflammation causing damage to the earlobe. In most cases it is treatable, but some cases can become severe enough to need surgical earlobe repair.

There is a genetic component that causes excessive scar tissue, known as a keloid scar. At the sight of any dermal damage, the skin can attempt to heal itself with an aggressive development of scar tissue. Some can become quite large and continue growing. Surgical intervention is needed to repair such anomalies. A plastic surgeon with scar revision experience can reduce them to normal and monitor the healing process to not trigger the aggressive healing again.

Tearing the earlobe also requires surgical earlobe repair. Earlobes can be torn when the stretch occurs too quickly, or the skin does not have enough elasticity to expand past a certain point. Sometimes the earrings are too heavy for the earlobe. The earring can be snagged on clothing. They can also be pulled quickly through the earlobe by a curious toddler or an angry adult.

Earlobe repair surgery is a reconstructive surgical procedure that should be performed by a certified plastic surgeon. There is a concentration of nerve endings in the earlobe and a rich supply of blood. To safely perform any surgery, it is imperative that the surgeon is competent and certified to handle any issues that may arise during surgery.

To learn more about earlobe repair, visit us at , located in , . Contact our office today to book an appointment and get started!

Fix Your Bifid Earlobe with Earlobe Repair

There are several different ways that an earlobe can become damaged, and in many cases, it’s a problem that people are born with. Some people sustain earlobe damage from piercings or traumatic injuries, and to regain a normal appearance, the best bet is usually earlobe repair.

What Can Be Corrected with Earlobe Repair Surgery?
Various hereditary issues can cause elongated lobes, and these abnormalities can be fixed with surgery. Earlobe repair is also useful for fixing stretched and torn earlobes. When your earlobes don’t look right, your self-esteem can take a major hit, and you might become extremely self-conscious about your appearance. Earlobe surgery is commonly used to correct a bifid earlobe, which is a deformation that occurs at birth.

Common Ear Malformations
Newborns can suffer from a variety of birth defects, and these malformations occur while the baby is still inside of the uterus. In some cases, the problem is corrected at birth, but some parents decide to have the issue fixed later in the child’s life. If left untreated, ear malformations can result in cosmetic issues, hearing loss and developmental delays.

A malformed earlobe can even cause problems with nearby nerves, bones, muscles and cartilage. Experts don’t fully understand the causes of earlobe malformations, but it’s believed that they might be caused by a poor blood supply, viral infections, genetic mutations or exposure to certain toxins.

Why Choose Earlobe Repair?
Earlobe repair surgery can repair bifid, stretched or torn earlobes, and some of these problems are caused by heavy earrings. When it comes to plastic surgery, earlobe repair is quite simple, and it’s not nearly as complicated as some other types of surgery.

A torn earlobe can be painful, and it’s not something that is pleasant to look at. Since earlobes are made of soft tissue and fat, they have a pliable, soft structure. Heavy earrings can cause your earlobes to stretch, and over time, the stretching may require repairs.

What to Expect
Earlobe repair surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia. Before the procedure, you’ll be able to discuss the repair options for your earlobe, and the techniques used will depend on your unique anatomy.

Contact Our Office Today
Earlobe repair is a popular procedure for bifid earlobes, but it’s also useful for correcting tears and lacerations. If you’re looking for a way to restore your earlobe’s normal appearance, consider undergoing earlobe repair at  in . Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

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